
Policies on Human Resource Development, Human Rights, Diversity, and Work-Style Reform

Policies on Human Resource Development, Human Rights, Diversity, and Work-Style Reform

In order to fulfil its social responsibility as a company and to further increase its corporate value, OTC is committed to the following human resources, which are its most important management resources: human resource development, human rights, diversity, work style reform and securing workers' rights.

1) Human Resource Development
OTC provides a variety of training programmes to enable each employee to fully realise his or her potential. The content of the training system is reviewed every year, with a particular focus on the systematic development of leaders for the next generation.

2) Human Rights
Based on the fundamental recognition that respect for human rights is one of the most important social responsibilities of a company, OTC has established a basic human rights policy based on international human rights standards, such as the International Bill of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations.
In addition, based on the Guidelines for Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains formulated by the Japanese government, we will continue to promote respect for human rights throughout our supply chains.

The Compliance Consultation and Reporting Desk and the Harassment Consultation Desk have been set up to provide anonymous consultation and reporting in cases of harassment and other human rights violations. If a case arises, an investigation will be conducted to confirm the facts, while ensuring the confidentiality of the person consulting or reporting the case, the results of the investigation will be explained to that person, and thorough measures will be taken to prevent recurrence, including improvements to the workplace environment.
In the event of a serious human rights incident, a report is made through the person responsible for human rights to the Board of Directors, which investigates the facts and takes appropriate action.

Number of cases consulted with the Harassment Consultation Desk (FY2021): 0

3) Diversity
OTC is committed to eliminating unfair discrimination based on nationality, race, religion, gender, age, etc., and to creating an environment in which diverse human resources can reach their full potential.

Employment rate of persons with disabilities (FY2021): 2.82%
Percentage of temporary and other non-permanent employees (FY2021): 3.8%

4) Work-Style Reform
With the aim of attracting and retaining talented people and improving communication in the workplace, OTC is working on a number of work-style reforms.

5) Securing of Workers' Rights
In addition to complying with labour laws and regulations, OTC respects the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining and is committed to building sound labour relations through sincere dialogue with each employee and the union. In particular, OTC and the Trade Union exchange information on management policy and the state of management, and discuss various issues relating to safety, health and production, as well as wages and other working conditions.
In addition, the Basic Human Rights Policy clarifies the prohibition of child and forced labour, and states that the company will comply with relevant laws and regulations regarding wages and working time management, and will work to return profits to employees, taking into account the need to reduce long working hours and ensure a basic living wage for employees.
