Environmental Management

Environmental Management Activities

Environmental Management Activities

The Environmental Disaster Prevention Committee, environmental patrols and environmental education continue to foster environmental awareness at OTC, and the entire company works together to promote environmental management activities.

Internal Environmental Audits

Internal environmental audits are carried out annually in accordance with ISO 14001.

Patrols under Environment-related Laws and Regulations

In-house patrols are regularly conducted every year regarding the High Pressure Gas Safety Act, the Fire Service Act, the Wastes Disposal and Public Cleansing Act, the Air Pollution Control Act, the Water Pollution Control Act, and the Industrial Safety and Health Act (pressure vessels) .

Verification of Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations

Regular checks are carried out every year to ensure that applications for environment-related permits, notifications, etc. are properly implemented in accordance with the laws and regulations.

Environmental Education

Environment-related training is provided to all employees on an ongoing annual basis.

Patrolling under Environment-related Laws and Ordinances
Patrols under Environment-related Laws and Regulations
Environmental Education
Environmental Education

Status of Compliance with Environment Laws and Regulations for FY2022

There were no environment-related legal violations, fines or penalties paid or administrative measures against OTC in FY2022.
